Friday, November 16, 2012

Journal #4

Outside my window:

It is another BEAUTIFUL afternoon!  Somewhere between 60 and 70 degrees.
Clothing myself:

I've changed three times since starting this post!  Earlier I was wearing jeans and a black top with my gym shoes.  (I do not have a lot of shoes, in case you were curious.)  Then I switched to my painting clothes (old sweats and t-shirt) and had to pause in that a bit to nurse the baby and type some more here.  Finally, as I finish up, I am in black pants and yes, another t-shirt and gym shoes.  Clothing shopping is definitely on my mind lately, let me tell you.
Around the house:

Gordie did a final clean-up of the inside of the garage so we moved a good chunk of garage-type-of-stuff out there from the enclosed back porch and the basement.  This lead to re-organizing the back porch (yay for more room for extended kitchen storage and a place to hang some coats and keep the adult winter extras - hats, gloves, etc) and then re-organizing the laundry/work-out/man cave room out.  We moved MY work-out area to the other side of the room (by the stacked washer and dryer) and Gordie was able to reclaim his reloading desk and put his computer there, as well.  I am MOST PLEASED with the switch as my work-out area on this new side is a little wider and TALLER (a bonus for step-aerobics, especially for the high step :)

The Baby:

Lots of smiles!!  She is such a joyful little lady, turning exactly 6-months-old tomorrow.  She is wiggling around more - she will push herself quite a ways on her back - head first.  She also rolls to her tummy and wiggles a little (or gets her head up high for a crawling pose).  I need to go through the tubs again and look for more girl clothes in her current size (9 months to a year).  I may or may not be guilty of putting some OBVIOUSLY boy clothes on her now and again as I happen to have more of those on hand for some reason.
The Kids:

I recently realized I have been favoring Jacob a little.  All of my kids have excelled at pretty-much EVERYTHING right on track or ahead of schedule.  Jacob is bright and capable and for all intents and purposes, I believe he SHOULD be doing the same, but Jacob has a STUBBORN streak.  He does not WANT to do things.  And I admit, I have been babying him.  Of course I will help you get dressed, even though you are four-years-old and your two-year-old brother can dress himself.  Of course I will help you put your shoes on.  Of course I will not expect YOU to pick up the toys or do simple tasks.  One guilty mamma here.  The trouble is that the crack-down is DIFFICULT!  He is my baby!!  (not sure how that is possible with two younger than him, but he is)  In any case, I am TRYING to "encourage" him in the midst of his stubbornness.  One battle at a time, I suppose.
In the Kitchen:

I am still working at filling my freezer as I cook to make life easier!  Earlier this week I cooked up 6 batches of taco meat and put them in freezer zip-lock bags.  These are so handy as Gordie will pull out a bag and munch on burritos throughout the week (when he is hungry at a non-meal-time, which happens a lot for him, but he has always been on his own schedule) instead of frozen pizza or chicken nuggets.  Tomorrow I am planning to do a double batch of meatballs (one for dinner and one for the freezer).
Also, I made jelly!!!!!!!  We ate the partial jar already (yum yum) and hope to give the others as Christmas gifts.  I think I might need to make some more though, as it was yummy and the kids thoroughly enjoyed it.


I am still working on Miriam's hat.  I have not had a lot of time to knit lately.  But I hope to finish it soon so I can try to make another dish cloth or two and maybe try my hand at a few scarves (to use as gifts).  We shall see if I can get everything done in time for Christmas.

I am still enjoying teaching the kids.  It has not gotten old.  I think they are enjoying it, too.  Samuel told me the other day that after he finished Kindergarten he was going to go to Holy Family Elementary (where Rebekah went to school for a couple of years).  It took a little effort but I got him to understand that he was not "working up to" being able to go there and he was welcome to keep learning at home as long as he wanted.  He seemed ok with that and that makes my heart happy as I do not want him to feel like he is missing out by staying home instead of going to school.


Not much to share here.  My obsessive-compulsive nature will not let me pick up another book while I still have the catechism to "keep up with" so I'm just trying to read ahead in it every chance I get as I'm afraid if I fall behind I will not bother catching back up and I really want to get it read for The Year of Faith.

Gordie and Rebekah are in an upcoming play by the local community theater and it is getting close to "crunch time" so with practices every evening for one or the other or both, Gordie and I have not really had any time for our regularly scheduled entertainment.  And I do not really watch much tv without Gordie.  Cleaning or exercising is "my entertainment."
Bringing me joy:

Now that Gordie's "office" and his computer have been removed from our bedroom, there is a little more space and it is once again an "inviting" room, not just a place to store clothes and sleep.  Some day I would like to paint the walls, but I think we would have to "fix them" first (as our basement was poorly constructed) and I have a feeling that would cause a landslide of other projects in the midst of simply wanting to change the color of the walls.  So for now, I will enjoy it as it is. 

Also, I painted some of the trim on the garage today (hence the painting clothes earlier).  I am a bit of a sloppy painter, but it makes me happy to get this done as I would worry that the winter weather might make the boards warp before we got them painted.  Hopefully Gordie can "touch up" all the really noticeable mistakes.

Thinking about:

A time slot I have at the upcoming "Care-a-thon" for our local Catholic radio station (Divine Mercy Radio).  I'm set speak on "motherhood."  I've got a lot of praying/thinking/studying to do to figure out exactly what I should be saying about it.  Come Holy Spirit! :)
P.S. I am set to talk on Tuesday, November 27, at 5pm - 88.1 is the station or you can listen online here.

Bible verse:

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.  (Romans 8:26)

Pictures to share:

Jacob: My current "favorite" as mentioned above.


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