Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sick again. . . Inside Mary's mind

I am not feeling well today.  As I was laying here, not enduring my discomfort very well, I first came to the conclusion that this MUST be the fault of my doctor.  Her diagnoses are simply too painful (pregnancy/childbirth, infections, the flu) so I simply need to find another doctor that will diagnose me with less painful things like. . . a small scratch or mild bump on the head.  I really think I could handle those better.  Any doctor recommendations for me?

My second thought as I lie here, composing the "letting go" e-mail to my doctor in my head, I realized that what I really needed was simply for Gordie to take me out back and "put me down."  Unfortunately, before I got far down that train of thinking, I realized that he simply does not make enough money to properly replace me - not with the schooling of the olders, the "daycare" for the youngers, and of course the lactating for the baby, not to mention the cooking and the cleaning and keeping of the finances and such.  He would need to make about as much as the president and I do not see him taking that job anytime soon. . .

Thus, I am apparently stuck with my plight.  Prayers for me (and so none of the other kiddos get sick) can be left with Jesus and Mary and Joseph and any other saint that comes to mind - heck, any other deity would be fine - I am not picky at this point!!!

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.  I do hope they made you laugh - I think they may do so for me. . . one day when laughing does not cause coughing - ouch!  If you are nearby friend, please avoid my house for a bit as I REALLY do not wish this on anyone!

Fear not I will keep you posted as things improve. .  possibly even if they do not! (consider yourself warned!!)

Mary Elizabeth
(Romans 5:5)


  1. Okay, I am a terrrrrrible commenter. However, I officially google reader-subscribed to your blog, so maybe, just maybe I'll be better about it.


    Being sick is the worst. Seriously. I am such a baby about it.

  2. Blessings, Mary. I will say an extra prayer for you, and offer up some sacrifices for you as well.

    Hope you are soon well.
