Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Journal # 9 - Mildly Depressing Snow Day

Out my window:

Snow.  Supposedly we are in the middle of a HORRIBLE winter storm for the next few days.  I'm not overly concerned. . . but perhaps I'm the only one thinking this way.

Clothing myself:

Wind pants, Camp Hansen tie-died t-shirt, sneakers. (Looking AMAZING today, let me tell you - hah)

Around the house:

Fighting an uphill battle to keep it "tidy" and "sanitized" around here.  There is simply too much "picking up" and "cleaning" to be done, but having the children help takes 15 times as long, however I am obviously a "bad parent" for not already having a routine where they help (and are actually a help - yeah, you figure it out).  [Depressing point #1]
The Baby:

She actually slept REALLY WELL last night.  She only woke up once, after almost 9 hours of sleep!!  Then she nursed for a bit and I put her back in her crib (awake) and she slept another 3 and a half hours. 

She is getting into food more and more.  At her 9-month-check-up on Monday we got the ok to introduce all foods except eggs and honey.  Yes, you heard that right, peanut butter is fine to introduce at nine months now - crazy!  Although I'm not quite ready to give her a big PBJ sandwich (just goes against my training thus far), I did give her some orange (a fruit I would normally hold off until about a year) and she LOVED it.
Speaking of her check-up, she is perfectly proportioned, 75th percentile in everything (head size, weight, height, body mass).  My little 19lb 6oz bundle of joy :)
The Kids:

Paul is potty training.  I put this off as long as I could.  He has been showing signs of readiness for some time.  Finally, it seemed like "the right time."  And surprisingly he has done really well.  The first day he pooped and peed in the toilet all by himself, at least five times.  But now, about a week later, he is having issues timing his bowel movements and this Momma is TIRED of finding "packages" in his pants (after only a week, what a wienie I am, but I changed Jacob's poopy underwear every day for six months while he "figured things out" and I am NOT excited to repeat the process with Paul).  I really dislike potty training.  Rebekah got it so well and so quickly.  None of the boys have been so easy.  [Depressing Point #2]

Also, Paul missed his nap the other day (because I was out of the house and Daddy gets "distracted" sometimes) and he did not melt down in the evening.  So I tried him skipping nap the next day.  Again, no melt down.  He is now on day four of no naps and although he is still a crazy 2-year-old, doing crazy 2-year-old things, he is not a crying blubbering mess and he actually goes to sleep better at bedtime, so it looks like farewell to naps for Paul.

Jacob still WAILS when Paul takes his toy or messes up his stuff and I am TIRED of that reaction.  But Jacob is only four, so I'm trying to cut him some slack (but failing a lot - hello Lenten Resolution to keep calm - lots of "practice" on that here).

As odd as this sounds, my kids normally do not fight much with each other, but lately they have had some scuffles over toys and that is frustrating.  And it usually ends with me doubting my parenting style.  [Depressing Point #3]
In the Kitchen: 
Today I made yogurt and jelly.  The yogurt has become routine (thankfully), although I'm still not happy about using store-bought hormonal milk (haha) but that is something I cannot control right now.  The jelly has been a HUMBLING experience.  We are OUT of jelly and since I give the kiddos peanut butter and jelly toast every morning, we need to NOT be out of jelly.  Plus, they LOVE the taste of the jelly I make.  The trouble is that in the two times I have made it, some of it did not set up well, or seal right (still a beginner in the canning and such - and don't look now, but one of the jars I did today I did not fill full enough - I guess I was distracted or something - oh well, I'll just toss it in the fridge with the open one).  But I suppose since it is just to feed us, it really does not matter, as long as it is edible, right?  [This was going to be Depressing Point #4, but now that I've reasoned myself out of that I will say it can be demoted to "Depressing Point #3.5 - only half a point of depression here.]


We (aka MOSTLY ME) made homemade valentines for our homeschool valentine party and we also made valentine boxes.  Yes, I only shared that so I would have something to write here.  I have not had time for real crafting.  [Depressing Point #4]


Here is a snapshot of our 2nd semester assignments.  We are plugging along.  The visual REALLY helps me and I think the kiddos like it, too.
Curriculum reviews are coming up at my homeschool group and I am getting anxious.  My doubts and fears about homeschooling are resurfacing as I try to review and decide on what materials would serve us best.  Plus I think it is natural to compare my kids to the other homsechool kids when that really is not fair as we do not use the same material, have the same personalities, or are really even in similar situations as far as other responsibilities (having a baby and a toddler to run after - or other additional duties to factor in).  Being new to homeschooling makes this a bit overwhelming.  [Depressing Point #5]

I finished Christopher West's new book, Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing.  I LOVED this book.  Seriously, it really "moved" me in a good way.  But every time I sit down to write a review of it I get stuck and end up deleting it all as junk.  I think the devil might be poking fun at me over it right now and making it difficult for me to share about it.  Do not fear, I will keep trying.
I am focusing on Scripture and my Catechism again to keep up with the regular catechism readings.  We are almost a fourth of the way through the catechism.  And I am enjoying it immensely - as odd as that sounds - I'm just a nerd like that I guess.
The following catechism quote really struck me recently:

For all their (the laity's) works, prayers and apostolic undertakings, family and married life, daily work, relaxation of mind and body, if they are accomplished in the Spirit -indeed, even the hardships of life if patiently born - all these become spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (Catechism of the Catholic Church #901).


I'm still sorely missing Warehouse 13.  We are keeping up with Castle but that is about it.  I have been working out in the evenings lately instead of "socializing" with the hubby, so not having anything to watch has not been too big of a deal.

We actually got to "GO OUT" to dinner the other day.  (Well, I took Gordie out for a late Valentines, early Birthday dinner.)  Nana was kind enough to watch the kiddos.  THAT was quite entertaining :)
Bringing me joy:

I have not been very joyful today.  I definitely need to work on that "attitude of gratitude" bit.
Ok, after some thought I'm concluding that baby smiles bring me joy.  And Paul in general is just a joyful little man.  EVERYTHING is a reason to smile for him - and he has some great dimples and curly hair.  Ok, even I am smiling now.
Thinking about:

Exercise.  I am still waiting to "bounce back"after this last babe.  I lost the "extra" weight fairly quickly, but the aches and pains during and after my work-outs. . . well, they are making me feel old and frail!!  (And I like to think I am neither of those!)

Bible verse:

I give you a new commandment that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.  (John 13:34-35)

Pictures to share:


  1. That same quote struck me too!!!

    I am doing much better at keeping up (and getting ahead) now that I am just doing the readings right out of the catechism. Why didn't I think of that before?? I am really enjoying it.

    I am waiting for Fill These Hearts on ILL but wondering if it might never come...

    I don't can so no help there. Haha, that sentence sounded funny. Would you believe for jelly I use canned cranberry sauce and my kids LOVE it?!!

    I have been in a funk lately so I feel ya. You are a homeschool inspiration to me, I still really like the thought of it but it really scares me too. We will take it a year at a time with the Catholic schools, so here's to kdg.

    we have about a foot of snow here, the kids think it is awesome. I am just entertained sitting in the kitchen watching the birds trying to find the seed in our feeder. Currently one is trying to attack it from the bottom. And now I am rambling, I mean seriously, what does my bird feeder have to do with your blog post. Wow.

    Have a nice day!

  2. Oh and your progress chart is super, super great. I totally geek out over stuff like that.

  3. ACK! Sorry to drive you crazy with comments...I keep thinking of more.

    Naps: when Kolbe gave up his nap (at 2.5) it really was a very good thing. A very, very good thing.

    and Patience: I have struggled so much with my kids lately I'm embarrassed. Pray for me, I will pray for you.

    Blessings friend. And no more comments. I promise.

  4. Awe, Monica, if it were not for you, no one would comment. You bring me joy, dear friend - even when chatting about your birds :)

    And so far I think the no-nap Paul is actually not so bad! If I can just get Miriam to take her nap in her crib (sometimes ok, sometimes not - and then she just dozes on me) then we actually can get stuff done!

    And I will definitely pray for you! Come Holy Spirit :)

  5. ummmmm .... 19 lbs for your 9-month old?

    I hate you.

    Mine = 25 lbs

  6. Sorry, Karen. I have had my share of "big" babies. Now I am enjoying my "perfectly sized" girl. She is such a sweetheart and a coming after her monster-sized brothers, I appreciate her all the more!!

    Plus, just think of how buff you are getting hauling Mr. Brooks around all day!! :)

  7. Aw, hang in there Mary. This snow, as wonderful as it is, makes me feel all couped (sp?) up and grumpy. And Mary, you are an amazing homeschooling mama, I can't believe those charts!
