Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Latest Inspiration for Reading Assistance

Samuel (my kindergartner) and I were reading his children's bible this morning.  As he learned some new words - just reading them several times, I realized that I could be doing more to improve his reading vocabulary.  A while back I labeled some items around the house (just notecards with words written on them in marker) and that helped some, but some of the labels have worn off and I just feel I should be doing more.  So, as he learned the word "snake" and "fruit" this morning, it dawned on me that I could make up little charts like those below to help him make the connection between these words and the objects they represent.

This is Paul's hand, pointing to our exciting new posters.
 I simply googled each item I wanted and chose the images tab.  Then I copied down these images (saved them to the computer) and put them in a drawing document.  I added the text, printed them in color, threw them in page protectors, and sticky-tacked them to the wall.  Viola!!  Now I can draw attention to them during meals and other times we are at the table.  I hope to make more, but this was all I had time for today.

What do you think?

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