Tuesday, March 24, 2015

7 Quick Takes - progressive

I say "progressive" because I started this last week and am finishing it this week and while that would not normally be a big deal, the pictures might give it away as one has a "regular" table and one. . . well, just look down and see for yourself!  :)

1) I finally got rid of one of my couches!

Check out the new set-up - we find it most enjoyable to have some extra space in the front room.

2) I am beginning to wonder if Zipporah might be left-handed.

She usually sucks her left thumb and when I put a cheerio in her right hand she holds it, but often does not put it in her mouth.  But if I put it in her left hand, she puts it in her mouth.  Time will tell for sure, but it is interesting to see this develop.

3) Gordie has finished building "his office" and the storage space in "the garage of awesome."  

He also installed the sound-system and projector so we have a stellar home theater.  - I guess he is a pretty awesome guy after-all.

4) I think the baby might finally be getting a tooth!

One of her gums is swollen - a tell-tale sign for teeth I would say.  She is nine-months-old and most of our babies got their first teeth around 4 or 6 months, but Zipporah is definitely doing things "at her own pace," and "in her own way."  She is such a great baby and I am enjoying watching her grow and develop.

5) We got a new table!

Yes, we really are nerds, but it works for us.

6) We enjoyed some company over Spring Break.

We had some old friends (well, they are not old, but friends we have had for some time - hah) come visit over Spring Break.  While it was a bit of a challenge to round up food for nine child eaters (10 if you count the baby, but she did not eat the same food, so I really did not consider her so much) and four adults, it was nice to have a good excuse to take it easy.  We did school the first couple days, but then our company came and we all sat back and enjoyed ourselves playing outside, at the park, in the garage, etc., and then sneaking away for some shopping!  I like to think everyone enjoyed themselves and had a much-needed break.

7) I made up a site-word bingo game.

I am most proud of myself over this.  I also printed an alphabet bingo game I got free off of someone's website and laminated them both.  Let's see how long they last.

Here is all the laminated chaos.

Here is the "master" for my site-word bingo.  The cards are to be drawn and placed on this card (there are four big cards for the master list) so it can be used independently as a matching activity, too.

Here is one of the six cards I made for the site-word bingo.

Here is the "master" for the alphabet bingo, which can also be used as a matching activity - assuming we do not lose all the letters in the first week (and let me tell you, that is highly probable :)

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