Saturday, March 14, 2015

7 Quick Takes - A random look in my head/world

1) I rearranged the boys'/Miram's room.

Paul kept telling me it needed to be rearranged (probably because with the current set-up he was stuck back in the corner).  Now, for the four weeks since doing this, EVERY TIME Miriam walks in the room with me she proclaims, "You moved my bed, Mom!!"

The Thomas bed is Miriam's.  I did not bother waiting for it to be "tidy" as it never seems to get that way, or stay there long.

2) I put a bucket of books in the boys'/Miriam's bedroom and it has been a hit!

We are currently SATURATED with books and I am grateful.  Reading is important.  But with three rooms upstairs (the study, the tv room, and the front room) all overflowing with bookshelves full of books I concluded that some of the board books (which I feel get neglected being put on a typical bookshelf anyhow as those young enough to benefit from this type of book have trouble getting them off to look at) needed a new home.  Typically we just have beds and dressers in our bedrooms but I put a tub of board books in there mostly so it would have a place to go.  Now all the kids pull from it and read/look at a book or two once they get their pjs on and are waiting to say prayers and be tucked in.

3) I am changing.

For whatever reason I have recently been able to get rid of things - lots of things, things I have carried around since I was a kid and some things I have acquired more recently and thought I could never live without.  And let me say it feels GOOD to get rid of stuff, and I wish I had a week with no children to care for or other responsibilities so I could go through the whole house and do a great purge.  But as it is, I am trying to do a few bits here and there as I am able.  The funny thing is that I realize as much as I get rid of, I will never be able to STOP getting rid of stuff.  That, my friends, is the wisdom that comes with age, I believe.

4) Zipporah loves to eat!

I thought I was all smart, telling everyone after my third, or maybe fourth kid, that baby food was silly and I figured babies do well to just nurse until they are ready for table food at about a year (maybe 10 or 11 months).  But Zipporah has shown me that she LOVES food - at 8.5 months, nonetheless.  Eat up kid.  Way to remind me that every kid is different.  THAT is the real truth to be learned.

The "sly" look from the camera that takes forever to actually take the picture!!

5) My oldest daughter will probably create her own line of clothes some day.

I think all girls feel the need to "express themselves" in their clothing choices.  A lot of what Rebekah wears are hand-me-downs from friends and I imagine that could crimp a style, but she is clearly unhindered.  The "scarf" she is wearing in the picture below is often found tied around her in this position (she even wore it to church the other day, which I probably would have stopped if I had noticed it before we rushed out the door in our usual chaos).

6) On the topic of clothing, check out my handsome son in his new clothes for his upcoming First Communion!

Please pardon the spots on the camera lens and the red eyes.  I hate this camera, but I recently broke my good one :(

He refused to smile for me.  I guess he is preparing for this SOMBER celebration or something :)

7) Finding 7 things to comment on is a stretch today!

Some days I feel I could talk forever and today. . . I got nothing.  So I'm wrapping this up and moving on with my crazy day here.

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