Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Zipporah - a day of adventure

Today Zipporah had her 9-month-old check-up.  She is clocking in at 15lbs even and that has the doctor concerned.  She only gained one pound between her 3-month and 6-month visits and now here between her 6-month and 9-months, again only one pound gained.  I am just happy she is gaining weight and not losing it, but the doc wonders if something else is at play so she did some bloodwork and we are going to go from there.

She did grow two inches longer between her 3-month and 6-month visits and another inch between her 6-month and 9-month visits, so she still "flattening out" some, at least :)

In spite of all this seemingly negative news, Zipporah appears exceedingly happy and playful.  She is not sick or tired all the time or anything crazy.  She has an odd aversion to being on her tummy (and will promptly roll onto her back, accompanied by cries of outraged when placed in such a position).  She also does not care for sitting, but she will stand and wiggle on her back and locomote some that way (like a fish), so although she is going about it in an odd way, she does seem to be able to use her muscles and such.

In any case, we have planned a weight check in a month, so I'm going to pump her full of milk and food and hope for the best in the mean time.

After all this crazy news this morning, and being poked three times to get that bloodwork - ouch! - Zipporah promptly fell asleep for her daily nap.

Shortly after waking up from her nap, she used the "more" sign for the first time this afternoon!!  At first I thought it was a fluke.  She banged her fists together, slowly and carefully, but I thought she was just mimicking me, not really asking for food, as she was looking at her hands, not me.  But over the course of her meal she did it several more times for me and then for Daddy when he got home!!

And to top off this day of wonder, her first tooth broke through the gums this evening and Daddy was the first to discover it!  And we know it must have just happened this evening as the doctor noted her absence of teeth (but clear evidence they were on the way!) at her appointment this morning.

Pfew!  What a busy day for Miss Zipporah!!

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