Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, Gordon Samuel!!

I have a seven-year-old daughter, but it is now, as my son turns six-years-old that I really am starting to feel old!!  But ready or not his birthday is here!!
Fun facts about Samuel:
*His favorite vegetable is peas.
*His favorite school subject is math.
*Samuel really enjoys playing original x-box (because we just happened to have one) or Tank Hero on Daddy's Kindle.
*He LOVES playing with his siblings.  Rebekah is always his first choice (for fairy-tale made-up games), but if she is unavailable, he will play with Jacob (rough and tumble).
*Samuel's favorite piece of clothing right now is is Ironman hoodie and it must be noted his favorite super-hero also happens to be Ironman.
*Samuel is not a fan of regular jeans (because of the button).  He prefers pants with an elastic waist.
*He is fast - really fast - and he KNOWS it!  He will be the first to tell you that he is fast and then after he annoys you enough with his cockiness, you will race him and realize he IS fast.
*His favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham. (Can you guess why?)
*For his birthday, Samuel asked for: pumpkin cake, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin apples. 
(On a side note: I have NO IDEA why he asked for these things as aside from a pumpkin pie one time long ago, I have never made these items in "pumpkin flavor."  And I do not recall him having a great affinity for pumpkin anyhow.  Yet, I made two pumpkin pies for him on Sunday and he and the other kids gobbled them down.  Tonight I made pumpkin bread and he complained of no chocolate chips in it (guess I missed the memo) but still gobbled it down.  Odd?)
*When Samuel is really concentrating hard he will run his fingers through his hair. 
*He has a great sheepish grin and an inquisitive mind.
We love you Samuel!!
May God continue to bless you and form you into His thoughtful little warrior, after God's own heart.

A picture of the pie I made for him on Sunday.  I was going to write "Happy Birthday" in whipped topping, but got the H out and realized I would never make it, so we settled for "Hi Sam."  He did not seem to mind.

After dinner, the kids all trucked it outside to look at the outdoor Christmas lights I had put up earlier.

Enjoying his new blocks!!  (We had one set, but from us and Uncle Luke, he got another three sets -one more of the plain bricks and two of the geometric shapes.)

Rebekah actually built both of these creations, but I included this picture because the triangle tower had gotten hit and a few of the pieces had fallen, but if you will notice, the top middle is still standing!  Cool 'eh?

1 comment:

  1. Hope it was a great day for him, I'm sure our boys would have a fun time with each other. All the pumpkin requests made me chuckle.
