Saturday, December 15, 2012

Journal #6

Outside my window:

I do not really like this question. . . I think I might remove it in the future (as if you really cared).  I am not one that gets caught up over weather.  . . but since it is still here now, it is sunny and a little chilly (I think). The kids are playing outside this morning.  I made them wear big coats.  So there you have it.
Clothing myself:

sweats, sweatshirt, slippers. . . late night last night, not ready to be up this morning.
Around the house:

I noted how a wise friend of mine, with a son the same age as my Samuel, put labels on household furniture/items, etc in order to help her son associate words with things and then to assist in his reading vocabulary/sight words, etc.  I decided to give it a try.  People (like the husband) make fun, but I think it is making a bit of a difference.  Samuel noticed the labels right away and was trying to read them.  And I learned how to spell calendar (not calender) and I learned the definition of stereo.

The Baby:

She is blowing raspberries and rolling all over.  She also has THE BEST smiles.  I think I could sit and smile at her ALL DAY (or until my face muscles freeze up).  She likes her Cheerios.  I think I might make her some teething biscuits one of these days (once things slow down a bit and I am able to catch my breath).
The Kids:

They saw me wrapping gifts the other day.  Well, I only wrapped a few in front of them (ones for people not in our immediate family), the others I wrapped down in my bedroom and then put them under the tree.  In the "spirit of Christmas" they wrapped up random (to me, probably not to them) toys in mostly doll clothes and little blankets to "give to each other."  It was most entertaining.  (Rebekah had already wrapped up a special gift for me in a burp cloth - that is the one with the note and rose petal.)

I have been really trying to focus on Advent and the true meaning of Christmas (God giving us the ultimate gift of His son to save us) so I suggested we do Advent Resolutions.  The kids resolution is to "Obey the first time asked."  They are not so good at doing this, but reminding them of the resolution seems to be helping some!  They are such good kids.  They really try.
In the Kitchen:
I found my hot glue gun the other day and made up some food magnets for my meals calendar.  I would not say it has helped inspire me to cook more or follow my meal-plan any better, but they look nice and are fun to move around.

I made some veggie soup the other day that no one really liked except me (and I was not surprised as I think my husband might be allergic to vegetables), but I thought it was REALLY good and have been eating the left-overs for the past week.  I really want to collect more soup recipes as cooking in the crock-pot makes life much easier!

I finished my latest washcloth, with a three-cross pattern, but I have not taken a picture of it yet.  I'm in a freeze as far as knitting goes since I cannot decide what project to start next (I have several I WANT to do). 
I finally started making some new tabs for my fancy calendar.  The turned out REALLY well.  I searched google for free clipart, then put words with them and printed them out, laminated them, and cut them to fit the pockets. I have a few more I have not laminated yet, but I want to wait until I have a whole page (so I do not waste).  The ones I made so far are: Museum, Playgroup, Explore, Daily Mass, Library, Religion Class, and Saint Feast Day.  (I have plans to make Saint-specific tabs for each month, such as The Immaculate Conception, etc, but I just do not have time for that right now, so my generic "Saint Feast Day" card will have to do.)


I am starting to get "a feel" for our days.  We are falling into a loose routine of "block scheduling."  Two to three days of the more "studious" subjects (Math, English, Writing Practice, Spelling) and then a day of art projects, cutting, pasting, drawing, coloring.  Then a day of activities (Museum, Library, etc) and follow it all up with our homeschool coop (EXPLORE) on Fridays.  It seems to work well.  I should add we try to do prayer/Catholicism/Sacred Scripture EVERYDAY at breakfast (or a later meal or snack if we miss it in the morning).  Sitting at the table with the candles lit really makes this study more special. . . I think anyhow :)

I am barely keeping up with my Sacred Scripture and Catechism.  There is just too much to do right now!!

We are almost done with the third season of  Warehouse 13 on Netflix.  But the next season is available on Amazon. .  . for an additional cost.  But I have some Amazon promotional credits (for selecting "no-rush-shipping" even though I have free two-day) so we might keep going on this series.  Or we could switch to Eureka.
Bringing me joy:

Squeezing in some time to work-out again.  The kids and baby - just being them, playing with them, loving them!

Thinking about:
Trying not to be GRUMPY and pondering how the ebb and flow of regular women's hormones drive ME a little nuts!  (I cannot even imagine how crazy their influence on my thoughts and actions must test my poor husband!)

And the kids suggested for my "Advent resolution" I try not to yell.  I did not think I yelled too much, but the fact that they suggested this has made me stop and ponder some.

Bible verses:

From the Parable of the Sower and the Seed:  (emphasis mine)

As for what fell among the thorns, these are the ones who hear;  but as they go on their way, they are chocked by the cares and the riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature.  (Luke 8:14)

But as for that in the good soil, those are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance.  (Luke 8:15)
Pictures to share:

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I am so impressed by your calendars and organization, I'm sure it really helps your days go smoothly (and homeschooling too!). All of the "wrapped" presents from your kids made me smile, and Rebekah is too cute!
