Saturday, December 1, 2012

Journal #5

Outside my window:

It is dark and probably cold. 
(The baby INSISTED I (or rather we, I guess) GET UP WAY TOO EARLY FOR A SATURDAY MORNING, so I got up to journal, but even this question is not going to make me poke my head outside before 7am.)
Clothing myself:

MS Walk Sweatshirt (do the MS Walk enough and they give you a wardrobe :), navy sweats that are on the large side, and white Isotoner slippers that I wore under my wedding dress eight years ago (random tid-bit of the morning).
Around the house:

*I have been shuffling things around some more - always trying to make things more functional and get rid of clutter (an endless task).  I was pretty proud of my inspiration to use old baby gates to extend the space on a set of shelves.  You can read about it here
*We have not decorated for Advent yet as the kiddos and I have been kinda off and on sick all week and we had other projects going as well.  But today is the day (I hope, at least) to do so since the First Sunday of Advent technically starts this evening!!

The Baby:

*Well, first let me say, this is my fifth baby so you think I would have them at least some-what figured out, but Miriam is her own little lady for sure.  Her nighttime habits are what get me lately.  She will go to bed ok (not great, but I can usually get her fairly asleep by 8:30 or 9pm) but then she wakes up way too soon and way too often.  And this in itself would not bother me if she were just hungry, but she wakes, eats, and then fusses until I wake up (yes, I can get her and nurse her and not really wake up-wake up, if that makes sense) and that makes me GRUMPY!!  And she also does this thing where she will wake up fairly early (between 5:30 and 6:30am) and just be awake - ready to go upstairs and hit the play gym.  While this does get me out of bed to "do things" and I would consider myself an "early-riser," this is sometimes a challenge after a difficult night.

*But to not leave on a negative note, she just seems to get cuter every day.  She babbles and giggles.  She is able to grab toys and  roll and wiggle around.  It seems like she hit the six-month-mark and suddenly she can motivate in every possible way when just yesterday she could not even lift her head.  They grow so fast!!

The Kids:

*Jacob has started dressing himself!  I knew it would happen (he is four-years-old now) and he would do it in his time and I did not need to push (although I might have just a little), but he does this now and oh it makes me happy to see him growing more self-sufficient and of course this makes mornings easier as I just have the youngest two to dress now.  The other day he put his own PJ's on and I proclaimed: "Jacob, you put your own PJ's on!!  I am soooo proud of you!"  And he answered, "Why are you always so proud of me, Mommy?"

*Rebekah and Samuel have recently been a bit trying.  I'm really having to crack down with "obedience" on them, but fortunately we have studied the 10 Commandments and they seem to "get it," so when they do not do what I ask I mention the Commandments and they generally come around fairly quickly.  We are also having trouble with them doing things they no are not allowed (like climbing on the roof of the outside play houses).  They KNOW it is wrong - Samuel has a black tooth from falling off of one a while back - but they do it anyway!!  Argh!
In the Kitchen:

I went through the deep freeze.  This seems to help spur meal ideas.  I must remember that.  Today I'm putting chicken, wrapped in bacon, covered in BBQ sauce in the crockpot.  Then I pulled out a another roasting chicken to throw in tomorrow to make the house smell good to cook for lunch after church and then use the left-overs in chicken enchiladas.  My in-laws and my parents have been blessing us with ground beef, so finding some chicken was a pleasant surprise as I was running out of ground beef cooking ideas!!  But I'm hoping to get some soups on this week (still looking for good recipes for those).  Try, try, try :)

I finished Miriam's hat.  I like it.  I'm not sure she will leave it on now, but we can only hope as it gets colder she will not tug at it as  much.  I'm half-way through another dishcloth and I like this pattern A LOT, and this yarn I found.  Maybe I can whip up a few of these to give as gifts as I think they are really pretty.

*I am back to having guilt when we miss a day (or a few) for whatever reason (sickness lately - mostly I feel guilty when I am sick and do not feel up to "teaching").  But I think we are doing ok.  Rebekah finished her English book, so I found another for her, but we have not started the new one yet.  She was just starting fractions the other day and I was helping her, then I asked her to finish the page and came back to her having finished the entire chapter (about 10 pages).  Her response: "I get it, Mom." She is so smart. 

*I've started trying to set out a few "special-ish" toys for the youngers when I want to work with Rebekah and/or Samuel and that seems to work ok.  I'm thinking I might need to make a "school-time-tub" for them to dig in themselves, but it could be a lot of work for me and then not work as I hope and that would be a waste, so I'm hesitating (that and it is not like I do not have a million other things to do right now).

*And if nothing else, I am starting to see fruit from our daily Scripture studies.  We have a read along BIble that someone gave to us.  It is actually just about right for the kids, but I usually read three or four passages.  Some days I dip into the regular bible, also to clarify, give more info, etc, but generally this simple little Bible gets the point across without losing their attention. 

Other than the Bible and the catechism I am slacking here!  Too much is going on right now as we prepare for Christmas and all that goes with it.


I am still enjoying Warehouse 13 and the last Castle was definitely action-packed.  Last night I watched Wings (blast from the past much? :) while I did my work-out.  I find it entertaining that we now have this fancy widescreen computer and I watch a show so old I have black bars on the sides now (instead of the top and bottom like we used to when we watched "widescreen" shows on our old screen).
Bringing me joy:

*A new camera!!  (black Friday online special - very good price and it is fairly simple, which is good for me) 

*Knowing the play is coming soon so I can get my husband back again. 

*How the baby falls asleep on my back when I wear her in the Ergo carrier.
Thinking about:

*Our Christmas Letter.  I really need to have it done, like yesterday.

*Abortion and all that goes with it.  (I do not mean to dwell on sad things, but my heart just breaks over this.  I know it is not new, but it is not going away either.)
Bible verses:

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?  (1 Corinthians 3:16)

Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually.  (1 Chronicles 16:11)
Pictures to share:
Miriam's new hat
Miram modeling her hat.

Grandma curled Rebekah's hair!

My Father-in-Law would shoot me for posting this photo of him and Miriam, but I do not think he reads my blog.  Here is the test I suppose :)

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