Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Miriam update, not quite a week old

So Miriam is a perfectly proportioned baby (according to the doctor anyhow) being in the 75th percentile for height, weight, and head size.  She also has a WONDERFUL temperament.  She is calm, sleeps well, eats well, and is all-around cute!  (As are most babies -even the fussy ones that often, make me laugh by their grumpy faces - cue Samuel here, the grumpiest baby for the first few months.)  She is truly a blessing as fitting her into our "routine" is really no trouble.  I'm struggling to make myself rest (as I know I need it) but once I get somewhat recovered I see us having an amazing summer.  The other kids have nothing but love for her and have been quite helpful!  It's like living a very good dream.  (On a side note, with lots of changes happening right now: Daddy's work schedule shifting with his new job (same company) and the beginnings of our garage building adventure, I cannot be thankful enough for an "uneventful" addition of our newest.  God can be  merciful after all :)

Baby Feet :)

Rebekah, Samuel, and Jacob meeting their new sister.
It's a baby!  :)
Playing computer games with Daddy.  All the kids loved this as babies.
Thumb sucker? She would be our first, but this is probably a fluke.

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