Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Whiney Wednesday

I am a positive person, but.  . . I am still participating in Whiney Wednesday.  That's just how it is today.
1) Having Daddy work at home means the kids have to be QUIET.  Kids are not meant to be quiet all the time.  They are just not and NO AMOUNT of gentle reminders or deadly threatening is going to make them behave as such.  They are just not wired that way and it is driving me NUTS to try and keep them quiet.  Is it not enough that we just expanded our family and I am adapting to an extra child to care for and less sleep?  Oh no, that is not enough challenge.  God says, on top of that, lets see if you can not only care for them but keep them from being crazy ALL DAY LONG.  Let's make you get out of the house (even though you are a homebody and want nothing more than to cook and clean AT HOME all day) because the kids need time to blow off steam.  At least today is his day off.  We are being VERY LOUD!!  :)

2) I'm still wearing support hose for those varicose veins.  It is summer.  You get the picture.  Also, tacked onto this, I have this weird itching problem at night.  I have not changed my laundry soap in years, or my diet, so my only guess is that wearing wearing the hose all day (compressing my skin) and then taking them off at night (letting that skin stretch back out) is causing this discomfort.  I try to lather on lotion and it helps a little, but this "annoyance" is really getting old.  Plus if I'm not thinking and actually scratch then it is 500x worse as I just aggravated the problem and have to really FOCUS on not responding to the even-stronger-urge to scratch.

3)  Daddy's work schedule is INSANE right now.  He got moved to salary which is neither here nor there, but it means they can do whatever they want with him.  Ten hour days?  Yep.  Split shift?  Yep.  Different from one day to the next, not knowing the schedule for more than a few days at a time?  Yep.  A while back I let him travel to train at a couple different call centers for several weeks at a time.  One was in Florida and one in Pennsylvania.  The most difficult part was putting the kids to bed alone.  At that time I only had three - maybe one on the way - and I remember thinking "this is not acceptable!  I cannot put all these children to bed on my own  Everyone is just too needy at bedtime.  Gordie is not allowed to travel anymore or work evenings as I NEED his help at bedtime.  Well, guess who is now occasionally working evening shift through bedtime?  Yeah, and I have FIVE kids now.  Some nights it is not so bad, but often the baby is screaming, the other kids running are around half clothed, goofing off, causing chaos, stressing me out!!  Supposedly his schedule is supposed to "become more stable" and more "livable" (aka predictable daytime hours during weekdays) in a couple months.  Let us pray.

To join in the Whiney Wednesday fun, click here for the rules.


  1. I'll be praying for you! That has to be tough!

  2. Not fun.
    Not. Fun.
    Prayers and blessings, friend. You're an awesome mama!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I keep thinking about this post and what you said about bedtime. I am glad I am not the only one who relies so heavily on my hubby's help with bedtime. He is soooo good and patient with the kids (and me when I throw fits too ;-D) and sometimes I feel guilty for "expecting" his help when there are so many people out there who either their husbands don't help because they can't or won't, or who don't even have a husband in the first place. So anyways, I guess my point is I totally get where you're coming from. And I am 2-3 kids behind you!! ACK!!!!

    Also, the working at home thing and keeping your kids My hubby works from work, but often he is working on projects/mowing etc. around the house and the kids just want so badly to "help" and be with him, and it is just nuts trying to keep them entertained and out of his way. So I can't even imagine.

    Like I said, you're awesome...and I've never even met you!!
