Monday, March 21, 2011

How we spent our yesterday

It got up to eighty degrees here, so we felt obliged to spend it outside. We decided to give the roller skates a try.
Here is Jacob looking all adorable. (I did not realize his belly was hanging out when I took the picture - hehe)
Jacob was really quite proud of himself and he was perhaps the most "natural" of all the kiddos, which is really surprising as he is almost three, but still in the awkward phase of tripping and not so much balance. . . at least as far as walking. But apparently putting skates on the boy changes everything. He was quite content to gently scoot himself all around the concrete. He rarely fell.

Samuel, on the other hand, was not so into the skates. He is quite graceful (and quick) on his feet but skates left him off-balance and frustrated. He quickly asked to take his off and (as seen below) was content to run around the concrete in his "safety gear."

Rebekah required the most assistance, but this was partly due to the fact that she had "real" skates, or actually inline skates and they are quite different from little plastic wheels that barely turn. Daddy was patient with her but she is going to need several more lessons before she can do much on her own.

After all the fun, we loaded back up on the bikes to head home. Rebekah looks particularly crabby in this picture as I forgot to pack drinks and the water fountain was not working. In any case, it was quite a fun day.