Thursday, March 3, 2011

Small Successes

1. Cooked with lots of veggies tonight that I normally avoid because no one likes them but me. In any case, I did not make anyone else eat them and I enjoyed them - immensely!

2. Wrangled the kiddos by myself this evening with no self-pity and everything went almost picture-book perfect (well, as close to perfect as it gets around here). Even the baby cooperated to let me read THREE bedtime books (which normally he would NEVER allow - not even one). I really enjoyed my time with the older kids as normally my hubby puts them to bed while I nurse the baby.

3. Took some time for myself this evening - doing fiction reading just for fun and a bit of yoga that I never seem to find time for because I don't count it as an actual work-out, but it is too in-depth to do with the kiddos running around.

Look here for more information on participating in Small Successes Thursdays.