Monday, March 21, 2011


This is the newest translation of the Bible, audio format. It is AWESOME!!! Seriously I am soooooo loving this. I put it on my mp3 player (so I would not have to mess with the discs) and I have been listening to it throughout the day as I do my chores and what-not. It is like candy for my soul. The actors' voices are beautiful, as is the background music - so soothing - AND IT IS SCRIPTURE!!! (It does not get much more awesome than that!) It has me pondering the finer points of the bible while doing my chores and oh. . . I am just so liking it (well, so far - I am only about 10 chapters into Matthew, but so far I am way impressed!!) I highly recommend this. If it were not so late (yes, for m 9:30pm is LATE) I would write a 15 star review on Amazon RIGHT NOW but I want to take time and do it right, so I will wait for now on that. But if you are up in the air on considering this for purchase, or you have not heard of it yet. Check it out here and come share my joy.

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