Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thankfulness Thursday

. . . with a heart of gratitude

This week I am especially thankful for:

1)  A house that we own.  Our air conditioner might not work so well.  Our kitchen outlets may all be on the same breaker.  The doorways may be narrow and the rooms small.  But it is our house - a place for us to live and grow and stay safe from harm.

2)  A challenging two-year-old.  Yes, I am actually thankful for Paul - and Paul in his current state of "testing the limits."  Earlier this week I did not think I would be able to be thankful for him.  I was contemplating "whining" about him and his recent behavior, but I'm really trying to take it all to God and I can see a great opportunity for growth here.  His cries for attention and his destructive outbursts are causing me to grow and stretch in ways I would not have otherwise.  And for this, I am thankful.

3) A van that fits all of my children and has a working air conditioner.  (We have gone a couple summers with no cars that had working air conditioners.  There is no feigned gratitude here!)  It feels good to be able to transport my children to and from activities in comfort and safety.

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures for ever." - Psalm 107:1

Monday, June 25, 2012

Pondering the 40 hour work week

Disclaimer: this is a long-winded post -not for the faint of heart or easily bored. . .

Lately I have noticed that I am wearing "a little thin" on the edges.  I'm a little snappy, quicker to anger, slower to think, just flat-out tired.  Noticing was the first step, now I am working on fixing and it has dawned on me that I might need to rethink my schedule. (AGAIN I might add - as I am always trying to fix my schedule it seems! :)  But seriously, I think I am on to something here.  It seems like stay-home-moms are viewed as either not working at all or working INSANELY harder than anyone with a "regular job."  I don't really see it as either.  Some days it is easier than a "real job" and other days it is more difficult.  It probably evens out.  But the catch is the hours.  I begin "work" when the first child wakes up - technically that means I work almost nonstop insofar as the baby is concerned.  Granted there are a few times were she naps for an hour or two at a time, or someone else can give her a pacifier for a bit, but generally I am "on call" 24 hours, 7 days a week.  Now, the catch is that a baby is easy to care for (and so rewarding as holding a sleeping baby is so sweet) so I don't really consider taking care of the baby as "work."  However, taking care of the other children, although sometimes rewarding, is OFTEN exactly like (or more difficult than) work.  Now, the 2-year-old generally gets up at 7am (sometimes a little before) and does not go to bed until 7pm (and lately has been giving SO MUCH TROUBLE at bedtime that he really is not actually asleep until closer to 9pm).  That is a LONG DAY!!  7am to 6:30pm five days a week is. . a bit more than a 40 hour work week.

*Side note: I am considering a 40 hour work week the "typical" or "ideal" for the average worker - setting aside there are several professions where this is not an option due to the nature of the position, but I'm just giving a general idea here.

And it is EVERY DAY.  Weekends, Daddy is home but then we specifically do family things or he does projects and I do what I do all week - be in charge of the kids, cook, clean, run errands, etc. So unless I specifically take a break, there is not really one built in. Granted Daddy does get done with work around 6:30pm and often puts the kids to bed (and back to bed several times).  And there theoretically is a little time in the evening, but that is generally our "couple time" where Daddy and I spend time doing things together.  And I think this is important for our marriage and it is enjoyable, but it is not quite enough.  It is not really a break, just a change (well, and less work - Gordie does not make nearly as big a mess as the two-year-old :)

Now, there are times during the day when the kids are "mostly occupied" so I can do things like read a little (if I can handle being interrupted every 2 minutes or so :) or check facebook or write a letter or pay a bill, etc.  But the catch is that I'm ALWAYS ON, even when I'm not specifically playing with or doing things for the kids.  Even now as I try to collect my thoughts here I have been interrupted an average of every minute or two (and let me tell you it is wrecking havoc on my thought process - I hope this makes some sense when I'm done).  So what I'm trying to say is that I don't really get coffee or smoke breaks - if that makes sense.  I don't really get a true break until every child is in bed (or in the 2-year-old's case, asleep), unless I leave the house for some reason or another in the evening and leave the kids with Daddy.    This is basically my point.  I'm not writing this for pity or to awe you with my "amazingness." (although you are more than welcome to think I am amazing :)  What I am trying to say in many more words than necessary is that I NEED A BREAK SOMETIMES!!!  There I said it.  I love my job.  I love my kids.  I love my life.  But sometimes I NEED A BREAK!!  I need to leave the "chatterboxes" and go somewhere and soak up some quiet.  I need to eat a meal I don't have to cook or clean up after.  This really hit home as I left the house to take dinner to a friend a few days ago.  It was a 15 to 20 minute drive to her house.  Now, I took my oldest child and the baby.  The baby was sleeping and the oldest child was blessedly quiet, or maybe she was just not asking any difficult questions at the moment.  Honestly I cannot quite remember, but I do remember how I FELT.  I had some music on and I just sat there and enjoyed it as we drove.  It felt wonderful - like soaking up sunshine on the beach.  It was only at that moment I realized how much I NEEDED this break.  I know I need adult conversation regularly (as does my husband - haha) so I often meet with other adults (often stay-home-moms) during the day, but this was more than just adult conversation.  This was uninterrupted quiet - well there was music, so perhaps it would be more precise to say it was uninterrupted pleasure - something I have trouble getting during the day.

Now, if you have actually read up to this point, you are probably thinking, "well, this certainly is not earth shattering.  Many poeple have come to this conclusion before."  And of course you are right.  Although this was my "ah ha" moment where it really hit home, that is not my main point for bringing this up.  My point is that now I have a plan. . . and I'm curious what you think of it.  Or if you have already come to these conclusions and have a plan of your own to share.  Ideally I would take time to actually leave the kids, but this would require outside help for babysitting.  Although Daddy does give me some time away, he works all week and needs some down time as well, plus he has projects and friends and other commitments.  So a sporadic day or evening out and away while Daddy keeps watch is a necessity, but unfortunately, in my case those have been too few and far between (and with Daddy's new crazy work requirements it could be a LONG WHILE before things "settle" and he is able to relax a bit and spend more time with the kids, simultaneously freeing me up). 

So here is my plan. . . one day a week I take an "easy day."  I'm still plotting how this will all shape up, but I want to see it as at best, a less stressful day where my "regular duties" are decreased or avoided as much as possible.  I want to take a day where all we eat is left-overs or sandwiches or whatever does not require effort. I suppose we could get dressed, but I want to have no "to do list" or appointments or errands to run on this day.  I want to have no activities planned for the kids (well, maybe a playdate if I want to get some "adult conversation").  I want to do no laundry, do no cleaning (unless, of course, I feel like it and that is another post entirely - taking pleasure in simple chores).  I want to get up and goof off as best I am able.  And most importantly - I want to do all this and NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT!!  I basically just want to set my expectations a little lower and have a "chill" day because we all need a break once in a while.  So, what do you think?  Or do you do this already?

He said to them, "Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while."  For many were coming and going and they had no leisure even to eat."  (Mark 6:31)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Miriam Dolores - Child of God

The baptism of Miriam Dolores

Here she is, clothed in her white garment.  Looking absoultely content and at peace (as we all should, knowing we belong to God).  The baptism went VERY WELL.  All of our other children happily went to sit with their grandmas (one on each end like bookends - Grandpas in the pew behind).  Miriam herself was also amazing.  After a quick snack at the beginning of Mass, she slept through EVERYTHING - even the ice cold water on her head.  Father was most impressed.  Of course, he claimed, to the entire congregation, that "she must be drugged" (not excatly my favorite word choice, but everyone gave a hearty laugh).  She did not even stir for the applause that I was sure would rouse her.  In any case, I was most grateful God blessed us wtih a meaningful and stress free Mass.  No pictures were taken during the baptism part itself and unfortunately the ones taken afterward with my camera were blurry.  (There is a certain setting to pick in order to avoid that, but the person operating my camera did not realize - I should have set it for him, but for various reasons let it go - to my detriment, apparently.  In any case, other people took some pictures, perhaps I will get to see those eventually.)
Doesn't she just look angelic?
Here is "the baptismal dress."  It is made from my Grandma Mary's wedding dress (my mom's mom).  I believe all of Grandma's kids, all of her grandkids (myself included), and all of our other children have all been baptized in this very dress.

This is "the cake." I wanted to make my own cake for the reception. I was thinking of doing our traditional "party cake," the Nutri Cake. But I have no skill at decorating cakes, as I wrote about here. I just wanted a simple verse:

Let the children come to me. (Mark 10:14).

I thought of just printing out the verse and posting it somehow beside the cake and then just putting her name on the cake, but even that, I feared was beyond my skill. I briefly toyed with the idea of making my nutri cake and having someone else decorate it, but finally I decided to just let someone else make the cake so that would be one less thing to stress over. Unfortunately I was not so pleased with the result. You could hardly see the verse. Her name was very pretty, but. . . plus, the cake was SOOOO SWEET! I know, it is cake and that is how they are made, but I guess I am just conditioned to what we usually have. In any case, it is done now and the guests seemed to enjoy it (as did our children) so life moves on.
Miriam, asleep on her Grandma Mary Alice (Gordie's mom).  We never quite got the dress snapped back up after the anointing with oil on her chest, but she did not seem to mind.

Miriam's Godmother gave Miriam these AWESOME hair bands and homemade bows for them.  So Rebekah and I decided to take a few pictures with them after everyone went home.
Rebekah and Miriam

Mom and Miriam (picture taken by Rebekah!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thankfulness Thursday

I have participated in Whiney Wednesdays and Small Successes Thursdays, but I feel inspired to create my own weekly reflection.  I'm calling it Thankfulness Thursdays.  It is just me and what I feel called to do at this time.  Whining can be a great release, but listing things - specific things - that I am thankful for really helps me "realign" myself.  The material will probably end up looking a lot like my Small Successes lists and reading between the lines will probably look like my Whiney Wednesday list, but when combined it creates the ups and the downs with the important part underscored - a heart of gratitude.  So without further ado. . 

This week I am especially thankful for:

1) The gift of a second daughter, Miriam.  Even when she fusses and cries and is not "the perfect baby" (and wakes me many times at night, making me weary), I am so grateful for her presence in our family.

2) How hard my husband (and children's father) works to support us financially.  His new position is quite stressful right now, but I am so thankful for his effort!

3) My group of friends that pray with me (and for me) and share my joys and struggles.  (I'm still looking for that checkbook, btw, but I'm sure God has HIS eye on it (and is laughing at me in the mean time) so I'm not worried.)

4) My first daughter who is so sweet and innocent and helpful in caring for her sister.  My life would be MUCH MORE STRESSFUL without her in it to help in caring for our family.

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures for ever." - Psalm 107:1

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Small Successes Thursday

1)  I cleaned my oven.  (One of my "amazing dinner creations" had leaked out of the pan a while ago and I was tired of setting off the smoke alarm every evening.)

2)  My son was not showing much interest in school work, but yesterday he actually asked if we could do some!!!

3)  I have been getting my "daily prayer time" in and I notice the difference.  I pray to continue to persevere as this makes all things in life better.

4)  I found time to pump some milk!!  (This is huge as I rarely take any time off to myself - without the nursling.  And I REALLY want to give Daddy a chance to bond more with her and feedings tend to facilitate that bonding well.)

5)  I set up our little "kid pool" and the kids LOVE IT!  This year we did a snapset pool and I am VERY pleased with it so far.  It is deep enough to be fun, but not too deep to worry about the young ones.  And it does not have to be aired up EVERY TIME I want to fill it.

6)  We have begun "homeschool" and it is fairly informal right now and we are definitely not "on schedule" but just beginning is kinda scary and now I have at least taken the first step.  We can adjust as needed and hopefully by August we will be well in motion with what works.

Feel free to join me celebrating the little things.  Head on over to Catholic Mom and sign up!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Siblings :)

Jacob and Paul

Miriam and Rebekah

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

As good as it gets

A recent picture of "the clan"

Samuel, Jacob, Paul, Rebekah, and Miriam

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Nerdy Chores and Family Rules Post

I recently made some updated charts for our family and will share them with you now.

Here is our current Chore Chart.  (My motto is keep it simple.  These are the chores they can handle and understand on their own.  I still ask them to do other things and be generally "helpful" in addition to these.)

Here is our House Rules list (Side note: You have to register your "school" with the state to homeschool.  You can pick any name you want.  I picked The Green Turtle Dojo as the name of our "school"/home.  My oldest likes to call me Sensei Mamma :)

Here is my most recent inspiration to try and help us have more pleasant mealtimes: A Table Manners Chart(I called it "Ninja Training" to go along with the whole "dojo" theme.  It makes it a little more fun.)

A Nerdy Nursing Post

I have recently felt compelled to post on some of the things I use for successful nursing.  I have been nursing babies for about 7 years now.  As things have progressed, I have found what I consider "the necessities."  So if you are still looking for "a good nursing bra" or some other item related to nursing, feel free to read on and consider what works for me.  Maybe you will find something you want to try.

First off, the bra.  I have probably purchased about 15 different nursing bras over the years.  Some have been good, some have been great, and some of been duds.  Unfortunately, often after I decide a bra is "great" they stop making that particular style.  This has happened to me at least three times.  So when you find "the one," you might want to consider purchasing an extra before they stop making it or you forget what size it was and the website it came from (or maybe that only happens to me :)

Side Note #1: I like soft-cup bras so that is what I have links to here.  Underwire "can" cause blocked milk ducts.  (Of course, heavy, unsupported breast can cause backaches, so sometimes you have to pick your poison.)  But I know other ladies have had great success with underwire.

Side Note #2: An important part of finding the right bra is finding the right size.  If you have one of those "bra sizing" people at a major department store, I recommend them.  Once I was in a city big enough to go to one of those and discovered I was wearing a "very wrong-sized" bra for me.  (This was long before marriage and kids, though.)  We do not have those kind of people in my small town.  Many websites have suggestions on how to find your size.  Often the size you find from one method will vary from the size found from a different method on a different site.  The last time I ordered I tried three different methods, telling me I was three different sizes.  So I guessed what I thought my size was and ended up ok.  Unfortunately I have no real helpful suggestions in this category, other than to say, do not be afraid to order a larger cup size than you think you need.  I was a barely C cup before kids  and now I am an E (or double D - depending on how the sizing goes).

My latest treasure (that is still being made) is the Anita Maternity Softcup Nursing Bra #5051.  I did not initially buy it from Amazon, but I could not remember what company I originally bought it from, so I googled the brand and model number and amazon popped up!  So I ordered from Amazon this second time around.  This bra has good support and is very comfortable with easy to open and close nursing cups.  I can't really think of anything bad about this bra.

I also have  an Anita brand nursing bra but they no longer make it.  However this one from Anita looks super-cute and similar to my last one.  If I needed another bra right now I would definitely consider giving it a try.

I have a Goddess Nursing Bra GD2050 and I definitely recommend it.  It is comfortable and works well, except it has a weird quirk.  When I bend over, the nursing cups unsnap on their own.  So if you are going to be sitting or out and about (not bending over), it is great.  If you are going to be picking up toys or cleaning the floor, it gets kinda old to resnap the clasps all the time.  I had read a review that said this happened so I was prepared.  But the reviewer said she would still buy this bra again, despite this quirk and I think I agree.  It is a good bra.

I also purchased two nursing sports bra way back in the beginning.  The company I purchased them from (Breakout Bras) still makes a nursing sports bra but it is not quite the same so I am hesitant to recommend it.  I am in no way disappointed with the nursing sports bras I bought.  They are actually great bras and I wear them even when I do not have nurslings.  However, there is not much "need" for a nursing sports bra as regular sports bras are really not that difficult to "slip out of" and nurse if needed.  Ideally I work out when the baby is sleeping and then I shower and put on a nursing bra for the rest of the day (and feedings).  The only times I could see a nursing sports bra to be really helpful would be for day-long sport-type activities such as hiking.

Side note #3: When I have a nursling I often wear two or three nursing bras to work-out.  I wear a "high impact" one and then put a moderate support (or lighter support) one or two on top of that one to keep things "stable" for jumping and such while exercising. 

A good night nursing bra is a must - especially in the beginning!!  I did not know about these until my second child and I seriously went to bed with a bath towel to put over the non-nursing-breast.  It was a less-than-ideal situation.  Finally I discovered night bras that could hold my nursing pads in place.  Alleluia!!  I have several of these Motherwear Lace Trim Cotton Sleep Bras.  They are not amazing, but they do the job and are a good price..  Anything remotely like them would probably suffice.

For milk catching, I use Avent washable nursing pads.  I initially bought them from some online drugstore site, but then purchased more from Amazon.  I like these a lot.  I have about 20 pair.  I use one pair per day, generally, and change to a fresh set at night.  (*Disclaimer: Some of the reviewers of this product claimed it was not absorbent enough.  I have never had a problem with them, but maybe I'm not a "heavy milker."  I really don't know.)

For nursing in public, I always feel very exposed in my mid-section and back.  I have found these undeshirts from a brand called Skinies to be very comfortable and functional.  I wear them UNDER my bra as wearing it OVER my bra makes reclipping the nursing cups confusing and difficult to manage.  I usually tuck the bottom of it into my pants.  It is helpful in the winter especially, but can get a little hot in the summer.  (On a side note: I have not ordered them from the site I linked here, but I cannot remember where I last ordered them from and this is the first place they popped up when I googled the name.)

I also recommend open bust shapewear.  I have one like this from Bali, but mine is not "firm control."  Mine is "light control" and I would recommend only going light unless you are looking for something to make you considerably more "shapely."  I have mine for comfort.  Anything more than light control is not going to be comfortable to wear all day.  And light control is enough to give you a nice smooth shape - very good for dress clothes.  I usually choose black for mine so it is obvious that you are not just seeing my skin when I pull my shirt up, but to each her own. 

I do not have a nursing cover and they look silly to me, so I don't anticipate purchasing one anytime soon. If you have one and you like it, good for you. Go with what works I say! I usually just use a blanket and then take it off once I get "situated" (aka once baby is latched on and my shirt is covering any of the exposed nursing breast), unless I am in an uncomfortable situation or have people sitting very close (such as at church). In those instances I generally keep the blanket on until she is done.

My final "nursing essential" is my sling.  The brand I have is Over the Should Baby Holder.  Since we have a convertible carseat this time (one that stays in the car) I ALWAYS have the sling with me to "throw" the baby in when we get in and out of the car.  But more than just a baby carrier, I find that nursing in the sling is great.  If her head is toward the side on your shoulder it gives you a nice cover.  Also, once baby is done, she often falls asleep and being snuggled in the sling for sleep is perfect so I can move about without disturbing her.  The only drawback is that sometimes it is hot.

Final side note: I do not really have much to say as far as wardrobe.  I honestly do not have any fashion sense.  I have a few "dressier clothes" but mostly I wear t-shirts, jeans, gym shorts, etc.  I have a few dresses that are not conducive to nursing but mostly I can wear anything I have and nurse fine (using an undershirt usually).  If you are looking for a post on "snazzy nursing outfits" perhaps you could consider writing one as that is definitely not my area of expertise :)

Here is a list of some sites I have found helpful (all referenced and linked above, but put together nice and neatly here).  All of them carry nursing bras and I have had good expereince ordering from each of them as well. 

Breakout bras
Her Room
Bare Necessities

And of course Amazon, but you probably don't need a link for that one :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Mommy Moment - Take 2

I just wrote an entire post on how happy I was at the moment.  Then I bumped something and lost the entire post.  But I am still joyful, even to have to write it twice - maybe it will stick well and I will be able to remember my gratitude longer this way.  Here are my joys for this afternoon.

1) I had a great afternoon with the kiddos as we began our "summer school."  Rebekah did a week's worth of work this afternoon!  I'm going to have to rethink our timetable for her.  Samuel on the other hand did. . . some.  Not quite as much as I had hoped (or planned for) but I knew I would have to adapt some for him, so no surprise there.

2) I finally got our "New Mass Response" book for the kids put together.  I got it from Catholic Icing.  In my defense, I wanted to make it more sturdy than just a print-out.  So although it has been printed for SEVERAL months, it is now glued to manila folders, cut out, and the ends are taped (to give it a more finished edge).  I just need to bind it, but I have to find my single hole punch so I can run some string as staples just don't make it through three manila folders.

3) I gave the kids dessert before finishing their dinner tonight.  I read in a book that I should do this all the time.  I normally have them finish their food as I don't want them to eat only dessert all the time and nothing else.  In any case, it felt good to be "nice" for no particular reason.  And the kids enjoyed the surprise.

4) After two tries of putting the baby down to nap in her own bed I finally nestled her here in the main room and she has been sleeping soundly ever since.  This is what she is used to I guess.

5) I finished two loads of laundry, got them folded, and put away.  (It makes me feel very happy to "get things done."  I am one of those "tangible" kind of people.)

6) I also vacuumed our entire room (even under the bed!) and washed our bedding and got it back on the bed.  (As stated in #5, this makes me happy!  And tidy rooms make me happy, too :)

7) I just received a used cd player (for only $5) and it is nice to have music in the house again!  (As our cd player broke and I just could not bring myself to buy another one.)

Well, the baby is starting to stir and Daddy is working late tonight so I better wrap this up so I can get dinner put away, the kitchen cleaned up, and the kiddos off to bed.  Then my "work-day" is finally over. . . for a while.

You know, I'm wondering if that snowball I had today is what is helping with this mood.  If so, Praise God for caffeine!!  :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Loving God at all times

My daily reflection book really hit home again.  It is as follows (highlighting and bold print my emphasis):

Jesus left Bethany on his way to Jerusalem. A few miles away, and He felt hungry, Saint Mark tells us in the Gospel of today's Mass (1 Mark 11:11-26). This is one of many occasions when the blessed humanity of Christ can be seen. He wanted to draw near to us and share in the limitations and learn to sanctify them. The Gospel tells us that Jesus saw a fig tree some distance away and went to see if he could find any fruit on it. But he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. And he said: May no one ever eat fruit from you again. They returned later that day from Jerusalem to Bethany where Jesus probably spent the night in the hospitable house where he was always welcome – the home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. And on the following day, as they again journeyed up to the holy city, they all saw the fig tree withered away to its roots.

Jesus knew that it was not the season for figs. He knew too that there were none on the fig tree. He wished, however, to teach his disciples, in a way they would never forget, how God had come to the Jewish people, hungry for fruits of holiness and good works. All he had found were mere lifeless observances: worthless leaves. On that occasion too the Apostles learned that every moment presents a good opportunity for giving results. We cannot wait for special circumstances in order to sanctify ourselves. God comes to us looking for good deeds in moments of sickness, in our ordinary everyday occupations, both when we are overworked and when everything is going well and all is ordered and peaceful. He visits us as much in our tiredness as in our rest, in success and failure, in financial ruin – if God allows it – and in times of prosperity. It is precisely those circumstances which can and should produce fruit – all different, perhaps, but unique and wonderful. We should find God in all circumstances because He gives us the graces we need. You also, says the Venerable Bede, ought to guard against becoming a fruitless tree, in order to offer Jesus, who has become poor, the fruit which He needs. He wants us to love him always with deeds, at every moment, everywhere, in every conceivable situation. Are we doing our best to give fruit now, at the time, at the age and in the circumstances in which we find ourselves? Are we waiting till there arrives a more favorable time for bringing our friends to God?

(In Conversation With God, Volume 3, p 446-447)

I have this sense of waiting.  I was pregnant, I was waiting to have the baby.  I brought the baby home, now I am waiting for life to return to "normal."  But in the midst of this waiting, I realized I should not be waiting for my spiritual life to continue.  God wants us to be turning to Him and doing good in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.  So in my case, in the midst of recovering and learning how to care for all my children, I should be doing "good."  Ok, you definitely got me with that one.  Not only have I not really taken full advantage of my situation to try and "do good," I can tell you NUMEROUS occasions where I took full advantage of my situation to justify doing "not-so-good."  It is ok to yell at the children.  I am tired and do not feel well.  I do not have to be patient or kind right now, I just had a baby.  I am almost ashamed to admit that I needed this reminder, but I did and here I am trying again.  Maybe someone reading this also needs to be reminded.

Here are a few bible verses I came across that comforted and convicted me in this.

Come to me all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you an dlearn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.  for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  (Matthew 11:28-30)

Endure trials for the sake of discipline.  God is treating you like children for what child is there whom a parent does not discipline? (Hebrews 12:7)

Now discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.  (Hebrews 12:11)

Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees and make straight paths for your feet so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed.  (Hebrews 12:12-13)