Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Mommy Moment - Take 2

I just wrote an entire post on how happy I was at the moment.  Then I bumped something and lost the entire post.  But I am still joyful, even to have to write it twice - maybe it will stick well and I will be able to remember my gratitude longer this way.  Here are my joys for this afternoon.

1) I had a great afternoon with the kiddos as we began our "summer school."  Rebekah did a week's worth of work this afternoon!  I'm going to have to rethink our timetable for her.  Samuel on the other hand did. . . some.  Not quite as much as I had hoped (or planned for) but I knew I would have to adapt some for him, so no surprise there.

2) I finally got our "New Mass Response" book for the kids put together.  I got it from Catholic Icing.  In my defense, I wanted to make it more sturdy than just a print-out.  So although it has been printed for SEVERAL months, it is now glued to manila folders, cut out, and the ends are taped (to give it a more finished edge).  I just need to bind it, but I have to find my single hole punch so I can run some string as staples just don't make it through three manila folders.

3) I gave the kids dessert before finishing their dinner tonight.  I read in a book that I should do this all the time.  I normally have them finish their food as I don't want them to eat only dessert all the time and nothing else.  In any case, it felt good to be "nice" for no particular reason.  And the kids enjoyed the surprise.

4) After two tries of putting the baby down to nap in her own bed I finally nestled her here in the main room and she has been sleeping soundly ever since.  This is what she is used to I guess.

5) I finished two loads of laundry, got them folded, and put away.  (It makes me feel very happy to "get things done."  I am one of those "tangible" kind of people.)

6) I also vacuumed our entire room (even under the bed!) and washed our bedding and got it back on the bed.  (As stated in #5, this makes me happy!  And tidy rooms make me happy, too :)

7) I just received a used cd player (for only $5) and it is nice to have music in the house again!  (As our cd player broke and I just could not bring myself to buy another one.)

Well, the baby is starting to stir and Daddy is working late tonight so I better wrap this up so I can get dinner put away, the kitchen cleaned up, and the kiddos off to bed.  Then my "work-day" is finally over. . . for a while.

You know, I'm wondering if that snowball I had today is what is helping with this mood.  If so, Praise God for caffeine!!  :)


  1. I'd love to hear some of your summer-school activities...especially the preschool-type ones. I have a post coming up on our plans for the coming year, but I always like to see what others are doing...if you care to share!!!

  2. Monica, I will try to share after a bit. We only just started this week. So far it has been good, but I don't have much to report just yet. However, I am finding "handwriting" to be a REAL stumbling block for my kindergarten son (as in he does not want to do it - or is frustrated with how it turns out). I'm not sure if it is a kindergarten thing or a boy thing or a "him" thing. But we have only just begun, so I'm hopeful.
