Thursday, June 14, 2012

Small Successes Thursday

1)  I cleaned my oven.  (One of my "amazing dinner creations" had leaked out of the pan a while ago and I was tired of setting off the smoke alarm every evening.)

2)  My son was not showing much interest in school work, but yesterday he actually asked if we could do some!!!

3)  I have been getting my "daily prayer time" in and I notice the difference.  I pray to continue to persevere as this makes all things in life better.

4)  I found time to pump some milk!!  (This is huge as I rarely take any time off to myself - without the nursling.  And I REALLY want to give Daddy a chance to bond more with her and feedings tend to facilitate that bonding well.)

5)  I set up our little "kid pool" and the kids LOVE IT!  This year we did a snapset pool and I am VERY pleased with it so far.  It is deep enough to be fun, but not too deep to worry about the young ones.  And it does not have to be aired up EVERY TIME I want to fill it.

6)  We have begun "homeschool" and it is fairly informal right now and we are definitely not "on schedule" but just beginning is kinda scary and now I have at least taken the first step.  We can adjust as needed and hopefully by August we will be well in motion with what works.

Feel free to join me celebrating the little things.  Head on over to Catholic Mom and sign up!


  1. 1.) I have never, ever cleaned my oven. Please don't ask how long we have lived int his house. I am breaking on it breaking and getting a new one before I "need" to clean this one. Is that bad??

    2.) YAY! Baby steps, right?!

    3.) This has been a struggle for me this pregnancy. Mornings had previously always been "my time" and it just hasn't been happening as regularly as I'd like. Good for you. Thanks for the inspiration.

    5.) I feel like a slacker as I have yet to set ours up. I meant to comment on your FB pic though (maybe I "liked" it, we like the rash guards over here as well, they're great!!)

    6.) You're going to have a GREAT year!!!


  2. Yay for pumping breastmilk!!!!!!

    Erik LOVES feeding Brooks .... it's special for both of them. :)
